About Us
About Willow Grove Elementary School
Katie Lynn, Principal

The facility is only surpassed in beauty by the heart of its students, staff and families. Our mascot, decided upon by student vote, is the Grizzly, and Grizzly Pride is evident on campus everyday! The students at Willow Grove are 51% Caucasian, 16% Asian, 10% Hispanic, 10% Undeclared, 7% Filipino, 2% African American, 2% Middle Eastern, 1% Native American and 1% Pacific Islander. The school serves students in high socio-economic areas as well as twelve percent of our students who are receiving financial assistance. Fifteen percent of our students are classified as English Learners, with more than14 languages spoken in our families' homes. Willow Grove is proud of the varying cultures represented in our community.
Willow Grove has 5 "roots" upon which the mission, vision and goals are built. They are:
- Professional Learning Community - Our teachers are committed to working together for the success of each child.
- Cultural Proficiency - We know our own values, traditions and backgrounds and recognize and respect the cultures of others.
- College Readiness - We prepare students so they may choose from a variety of postsecondary options upon high school graduation.
- Rigor, Relevance and Relationships (The Three "R"s) - High academic standards for all, connections between learning and the global world, and solid relationships among students, staff, families and the business community.
- State of the Art Technology - We assist students as they learn with access to technology tools such as smart boards, document cameras and more. Since opening our doors, staff has been instrumental in turning these five roots into reality.
Currently there are twenty-six single grade classes and three multi-grade classes. Of our thirty-three teachers, three are Nationally Board Certified, twenty-two have masters degrees, and thirty-one have the California Language Acquisition and Development credential. A majority of our teachers are engaged in the District sponsored Teaching and Learning Cooperatives (TLC), participating in intensive professional development throughout the year that requires new learning, application of content and reflection on effectiveness on student learning.
Willow Grove is proud that many of our teachers facilitate the TLC's or other District opportunities. It is not surprising that teachers at our school are sought out by District directors to be teacher leaders.
Willow Grove is proud that its staff is committed to the PUSD Strategic Vision of "College and Readiness For All Students - Gateway to Our Students' Future" and demonstrates their understanding of what it takes to accomplish this vision.
From dawn to dusk, Willow Grove is a busy elementary school. For families needing child care for either preschoolers or school-age children, Willow Grove has one preschool option and the Extended Student Services Program (ESS), which operate from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM school days. Both programs provide safe, structured settings for our children. We will focus on building our school culture while embracing the five roots of the school. To that end, we have committed to the following mission: We the Willow Grove Elementary School community, are committed to meeting the needs - academic, social, physical and emotional- of the whole child. Our mission is to inspire and ensure learning so that each student develops the knowledge, skills and confidence to define and achieve success in the evolving and diverse world of the 21st Century.
Willow Grove is proud that many of our teachers facilitate the TLC's or other District opportunities. It is not surprising that teachers at our school are sought out by District directors to be teacher leaders.
Willow Grove is proud that its staff is committed to the PUSD Strategic Vision of "College and Readiness For All Students - Gateway to Our Students' Future" and demonstrates their understanding of what it takes to accomplish this vision.
From dawn to dusk, Willow Grove is a busy elementary school. For families needing child care for either preschoolers or school-age children, Willow Grove has one preschool option and the Extended Student Services Program (ESS), which operate from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM school days. Both programs provide safe, structured settings for our children. We will focus on building our school culture while embracing the five roots of the school. To that end, we have committed to the following mission: We the Willow Grove Elementary School community, are committed to meeting the needs - academic, social, physical and emotional- of the whole child. Our mission is to inspire and ensure learning so that each student develops the knowledge, skills and confidence to define and achieve success in the evolving and diverse world of the 21st Century.