Willow Grove ESS
ESS SUPERVISOR: Cameron Shepherd; cshepherd@powayusd.com
ESS LEAD ASSISTANT: Ashley Hart-Dulgeroff; ahartdulgeroff@powayusd.com
ESS LEAD ASSISTANT: Ashley Hart-Dulgeroff; ahartdulgeroff@powayusd.com
ESS LEAD ASSISTANT: Nicolas Moyer; nmoyer@powayusd.com
ADDRESS: 14727 Via Azul, San Diego, CA 92127
OFFICE PHONE: (858) 673-6527
OFFICE PHONE: (858) 673-6527
CELL PHONE: (858) 472-3845
Thank you so much for your interest in the Willow Grove ESS program!
Effective the 2024-2025 school year, new applications to the ESS program are centrally managed by the District Office, Before/After School Department through a single application and interest list.
Submitting an application does not guarantee enrollment in ESS. It is anticipated that the demand for ESS services may exceed the program capacity at most schools. Applicants are accepted into the program based on a state implemented priority criteria system outlined on the ESS webpage, up to the capacity for each school's program.
Families that need alternative resources can visit: https://childcaresandiego.com/
For additional information regarding ESS enrollment, you can email enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
For additional information regarding ESS enrollment, you can email enrollment-ess@powayusd.com.
The Extended Student Services (ESS) Program extends the hours of supervision on the school campus to include before and after school enrichment, as well as offering programming during certain district recesses or breaks. ESS is a voluntary-use program. Our organization works diligently to accommodate and serve families in need of before- and after-school care. Enrollment in an elementary school does not guarantee enrollment in the ESS program; separate enrollment is required to participate. As a growing program, each ESS site may experience limitations that affect enrollment capacity and may impact the program’s ability to enroll additional students at any given time.
The Extended Student Services Program provides safe, engaging and fun environments and experiences to help children develop their social, emotional and physical skills. ESS is staffed by qualified leadership and trained program aides who provide a comprehensive program of developmentally appropriate activities.
Financial assistance is available to those who qualify through San Diego County programs. In order to apply for these programs (YMCA and CDA only) you need to do the following: Go to the website at https://childcaresandiego.com/ or call (800) 521-0560 and let them know you need financial assistance. Since these programs are not through the district, we are unable to give status information on your application. You will be contacted by phone and/or mail if they can assist you with childcare. You may be eligible for free or reduced-fee ESS services if you are eligible for free or reduced price school lunch. You can fill out an application for free/reduced price lunch HERE. If indeed, you are eligible, you can apply for free or reduced cost ESS services by clicking the link below. You will need to upload your notification from Food and Nutrition to your application. Families experiencing housing instability or children that are unaccompanied or foster youth may be eligible for a scholarship to ESS through a direct referral from PUSD's Youth in Transition (YIT) program. To determine if you are eligible for this referral and scholarship to ESS, please contact Laura Upson, YIT Coordinator, by email at lupson@powayusd.com or call the YIT office at (858) 748-0010 ext. 4086.
School Days | Minimum Days | Early Release Days
Non-Student Days | Breaks | Summer
Important Dates:
August 21, 2024:
First Day of School
September 2, 2024:
Labor Day - School/ESS Closed
September 30, 2024:
Professional Growth Day - School/ESS Closed
October 1, 2024:
Kindergarten Starts Full-Day Classes
November 11, 2024:
Veteran's Day - School/ESS Closed
November 25-29, 2024:
Thanksgiving Break - School/ESS Closed
December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025:
Winter Break - School/ESS Closed
January 20, 2025:
Dr. MLK Jr Day - School/ESS Closed
January 27, 2025:
Professional Growth Day - School/ESS Closed
February 17, 2025:
Washington Day School/ESS Closed
February 18-20, 2025:
President's Break - ESS Open to Pre-Registered Families
February 21, 2025:
Lincoln Day School/ESS Closed
April 14-17, 2025:
Spring Break - ESS Open to Pre-Registered Families
April 18, 2025:
Spring Break - School/ESS Closed
May 26, 2025:
Memorial Day - School/ESS Closed
June 12, 2025:
Last Day of School